Thursday, January 14, 2010

Remote Viewer's Group Report from Benton Bogle

Last night's Remote Viewer's meeting was once again a thrill. I arrived good and early, and after a brief altercation with the security system, I plopped down my equipment to get ready for the meeting. I had brought along a target for Remote Viewing practice. We like to try at least one target per meeting. The Remote Viewing meetings usually consist of a short presentation on one of a wide range of topics, some discussion about the topic, a remote viewing session, and then reflections and observations on our experiences in the session. It's extremely helpful and fun to be able to sit with other viewers and share insights, knowledge and experience regarding our Remote Viewing.

Anyway, before anyone arrived, I placed the target ( a small box containing one of my work gloves) on top of some other boxes there in the library where we have the meeting, out of sight of the meeting area. Then I went back over to the table and set up the laptop, projector and screen. I greeted folks and chatted with them as they entered, and at the designated time we started the meeting. The presentation was on "Relating to the Subconscious" and I talked about many things I had learned about relating and interacting with the subconscious, and we all shared strategies and ideas about this topic. Then we did our Remote Viewing session. Keep in mind no one there knew what or where the target was. Earlier things we had remote viewed at other meetings included vacations, photos of famous events, objects there in the building, a wide range of targets. We took about 20 minutes to do our session, and when we finished everyone put down their pens and paper and I retrieved the box. I opened it and poured out the glove onto the table in front of the group. The participant to my right gasped and held up the session notes. The first two words on the page: Box, Glove. The next participant to the right started their session with Appaloosa horse, and embossed on the back of the workglove was a horse. The other participants got bits and pieces of the information on the target, and everyone was excited about the results. And of course, it was a lot of fun.

I am very much looking forward to our next meeting on February 10th at 7pm in the Alex Tanous Library there at the RRC. I hope to see you there.

The Remote Viewing Group meets on the second Wednesday of every month. It is open to the public.

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